
Mars is a cross-platform network component developed by WeChat.

제로코인 2017. 1. 1. 11:48

Mars is a cross-platform network component developed by WeChat.

Mars is a cross-platform infrastructure component developed by WeChat Mobile Team. It is proved to be effective by billions of Wechat users.

  1. Cross platform, easy to deploy if you are developing multi-platform or multi-business application.
  2. Suitable for small amount data transmission
  3. Mobile platform friendly, low power and traffic consumption
  4. A network solution fit for mobile application

  • comm:common library, including socket, thread, message queue, coroutine, etc.
  • Xlog:a reliable log component with high-performance.
  • SDT: a network detection component.
  • STN: a signaling network component, the major part of Mars.

텐센트는 지금까지 20개가 넘는 오픈소스 기술을 공개했다. 대부분 모바일과 웹 기술이다.